[racket-dev] Git

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Fri Jan 7 14:39:33 EST 2011

On Jan 7, 2011, at 7:42 AM, Robby Findler wrote:

> Another question: what if I commit something just for the purpose of
> moving to another machine and I don't want that commit to show up in
> the main repository? Is that possible? (My tree is currently in that
> state; it is one commit ahead of plt/master but that commit message is
> a lie-- I've just started to do that job; ordinarily I'd do git commit
> --amend to add more stuff to it, but now I'm worried about that.)

Taking a step back:  is there really anything wrong with such commits?  Given that drdr and e-mail alerts are based on pushes rather than commits, it seems not unreasonable to just let those be intermediate commits.  I can see that it's a bit easier to give a nice name to a single big commit, but if the alternative is the fancy dance that this thread is suggesting, it seems like it might be simpler just to go with the simple solution (tautology alert).


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