[racket-dev] Plot testing and feedback
I've pushed the latest plot2d and plot3d to my github account. I want to
know whether there are any critical differences in output or execution
time among platforms. There shouldn't be any, but it's possible.
Can I get a few volunteers, at least one on Windows and one on Mac, to
clone it and run the test plots?
First, do
git clone https://github.com/ntoronto/plt-stuff.git
Then do each of
drracket plt-stuff/plot/tests/plot2d-tests.rkt
drracket plt-stuff/plot/tests/plot3d-tests.rkt
After running each, copy the entire REPL output (it will contain timing
info and image snips), paste it into a new .rkt file, and save it in the
current directory.
The tests will generate some files (.png, .jpg, .pdf, .svg, etc.) in the
current directory. Zip those and the new .rkt files together, and email
them to me. Write in the email which OS you're running.