[racket-dev] Release Announcement for v5.1.2
At Mon, 1 Aug 2011 15:03:21 -0400, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> There's certainly limited space for the most prominent elements of the
> release notes. But I think the right solution there is to pick some
> small number of items (say, 5) that are most significant, and
> highlight them. Then much more can be included below that, and
> finally some information about minor changes (fixed bugs, for
> example). The git release notes are an example of this style:
> http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/RelNotes-1.7.0.txt
My preference is that *release notes* in the docs/distribution have no
limit, but a *release announcement* includes highlights only.
Few parts of our distribution currently have release notes:
In some past cases, such as web server changes, I wished that we had
more release notes. Maybe we need more sections on that page, or maybe
the notes should be reorganized into one big set of notes.