[racket-dev] Final(?) draft for v5.1.1

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Fri Apr 29 17:24:07 EDT 2011

On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 4:16 PM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> I couldn't resist an editing pass to give the bullets a more consistent
> style.
> Matthias: I re-wrote your universe bullet in an attempt to clarify that
> the universe API didn't change --- only the network protocol, if I
> understand correctly. Please check.

It should probably '5.1.1 is not compatible with earlier versions' or
something like that.


> ----------------------------------------
> Racket version 5.1.1 is now available from
>  http://racket-lang.org/
> * The new `racket/stream' library provides `stream-first',
>  `stream-rest', a lazy `stream-cons', and so on.  Streams are a
>  subtype of sequences, so they work in `for' forms.  Some sequence
>  generators, such as `in-range', now produce streams.  A
>  `racket/sequence' library replaces the old `racket/stream'
>  library.
> * The new `racket/syntax' library contains facilities useful for
>  writing macros.  The new `syntax/srcloc' and `syntax/location'
>  libraries provide support for manipulating source locations.
> * The `racket/gui' library now supports multi-column list boxes and
>  scrolling panels.
> * The new `ffi/file' library is useful for writing foreign library
>  bindings that cooperate with Racket's security guard mechanism.
> * Generators from the `racket/generator' library can now have formal
>  arguments that are used when the generator is fired up.
> * Single-precision floating-point support is now enabled by default.
>  Single-precision floats print differently from their default
>  double-precision counterparts, new primitives convert between the two
>  precisions, and new reader syntax supports single-precision literals.
> * JIT improvements include a small change to aid x86 branch prediction
>  on function-call returns, which can speed up some programs
>  significantly.
> * Typed Racket:
>  - The numeric tower has been entirely overhauled.  TR programs can
>    now use more precise types than before, and check more numeric
>    properties, such as sign or range properties.
>  - Fixnum optimizations have been improved and should apply more
>    broadly.
>  - The performance of the typechecker has been improved.  In
>    particular, dispatch on large union types should typecheck much
>    faster than before.
> * The Stepper can now step through Lazy Racket programs.
> * The `racket/future' library includes `fsemaphore' values, the
>  `future' primitive no longer freezes futures (so a future can spawn
>  new futures), and `future' log messages are more informative.
> * PLaneT development links are now version-specific.
> * The `2htdp/image' library now includes `overlay/align',
>  `underlay/align', `overlay/align/offset' and 'underlay/align/offset'.
> * The network protocol for universes in `2htdp/universe' has changed,
>  so that v5.1 and its predecessors are incompatible.
> * The "DrScheme" application (which simply ran DrRacket in the last
>  few releases) has been removed.  The "MrEd" GUI executables for
>  Windows and Mac OS X have also been removed, although the "mred"
>  console executable remains for Unix and Mac OS X to support old
>  scripts.
> _________________________________________________
>  For list-related administrative tasks:
>  http://lists.racket-lang.org/listinfo/dev

Posted on the dev mailing list.