[racket-dev] release blurb for 5.1.1
Here's what I have:
- Single-precision floating-point number support is now enabled by
default. Single-precision floats now print differently from their
default double-precision counterparts, primitives to convert between
or distinguish the two have been added, and reader syntax for
single-precision specials is now available.
- Typed Racket's numeric tower has been entirely overhauled. Typed
Racket programs can now use more precise types than before, and
check more numeric properties, such as sign or range properties.
- Typed Racket's fixnum optimizations have been improved and should
apply more broadly.
- The performance of Typed Racket's typechecker has been improved.
In particular, dispatch on large union types should typecheck much
faster than before.
- Scribble now supports figures with "here" placement for LaTeX
At Tue, 26 Apr 2011 17:33:45 -0400,
Eli Barzilay wrote:
> More things:
> Casey:
> - Redex version of Jay's continuation mark transformation (3250ff84)
> - Other redex news?
> Vincent:
> - TR's numeric tower is now built from unions of non-overlapping base
> types. (d4c93cc1)
> Vincent/Sam: other TR news?
> Vincent/Matthew: single precision flonums?
> Matthew:
> - `file/resource'?
> - Recent speed thing.
> Robby:
> - make hard links be version specific (4f165d3b)?
> - 2htdp/image news?
> - builds on osx 64 bits
> James/Matthew: futures news? (future semaphores, `future' in future,
> more ...)
> Generators have formals (generator formals body ...+)
> Ryan: `racket/syntax' etc
> --
> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
> http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!
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