[racket-dev] exact nonnegative integers as sequences?
At Mon, 18 Apr 2011 11:04:18 -0400, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> An hour and a half ago, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> > I often write
> >
> > (for.... ([i (in-range N)]) ...)
> >
> > In cases where the loop overhead is not significant (i.e., I don't
> > care whether the compiler can tell that I'm iterating through
> > integers), it would be nice to write just
> What's the overhead?
The same as using `(in-range N)' as a value: an indirection on the
`(curry = N)' test, `add1' increment, and identity conversion from the
loop index to the loop value.
#lang racket
(define N 1000000)
(define N-range (in-range N))
(time (for/fold ([v 0]) ([i (in-range N)])
; cpu time: 4 real time: 3 gc time: 0
(time (for/fold ([v 0]) ([i N-range])
; cpu time: 103 real time: 103 gc time: 0
You have to be doing very little work in the loop body for the
100-nanosecond-per-iteration overhead to matter, though.