[racket-dev] Q. about "live" snips

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Tue Sep 7 18:39:56 EDT 2010

I'm writing code for beginners that produces "sound" values.  I'd like to render these values as snips that have a start and a stop button.  

My first experiment looked like this:

#lang racket

(require racket/gui)

(define f (make-object image-snip% "/Users/clements/plt/collects/icons/mini-plt.xpm"))

(define (g)
  (send f load-file "/Users/clements/plt/collects/icons/j.gif"))

This "worked" in the sense that the value was rendered graphically, but "didn't work" in the sense that calling (g) didn't change an already-displayed image. Viz:

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This suggests to me that it would be hard to implement a "sound-player-snip" that updated itself to display its status.

My hope is that I'm wrong, and there's some easy way to make snips "live" in this sense.

Any help greatly appreciated.


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