[racket-dev] Providing macro definitions for BSL programs
I think it's time to write a guide on how to write teachpacks.
Robby and I are no longer alone. -- Matthias
On Sep 4, 2010, at 6:29 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> See `first-order->higher-order'.
> At Sat, 4 Sep 2010 17:00:52 -0400, Nadeem Abdul Hamid wrote:
>> Ah, thank you. Now, how about this definition:
>> (define-syntax (my-macro stx)
>> (syntax-case stx (->)
>> [(_ (func arg ...) -> rslt)
>> #`(length (cons func (list arg ...)))]))
>> (provide my-macro ->)
>> i.e. my macro takes the function name, bundles in up in a structure
>> (here I just used "cons") and then maybe passes it off to something
>> else for processing (here I just used "length" for illustration).
>> Now, doing something like this in the BSL file:
>> (my-macro (reward 3) -> "bronze")
>> produces:
>> reward: this is a procedure, so it must be applied to arguments
>> (which requires using a parenthesis before the name)
>> On Sat, Sep 4, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
>> wrote:
>>> You need to define and export -> . Otherwise students don't have access to
>> the specific -> in your macro.
>>> BTW, injecting macros into *sl languages demands a lot of error checking
>> because novices are easily confused.
>>> On Sep 4, 2010, at 4:37 PM, Nadeem Abdul Hamid wrote:
>>>> Suppose I make a "teachpack" that defines a macro:
>>>> #lang racket
>>>> ...
>>>> (define-syntax (my-macro stx)
>>>> (syntax-case stx (->)
>>>> [(_ (func arg ...) -> rslt)
>>>> #`(check-expect (func arg ...) rslt)]))
>>>> (my-macro (+ 4 5) -> 10)
>>>> (test)
>>>> (provide my-macro)
>>>> Running this file works fine.
>>>> Now, how exactly do I make this macro available to programs written in
>>>> Beginning/Intermediate Student? Opening up a file in BSL level and
>>>> typing:
>>>> (require "my-macro.rkt")
>>>> (my-macro (+ 4 5) -> 9)
>>>> gives the error:
>>>> my-macro: bad syntax
>>>> This macro is a simplification of the real thing I'm working on, but
>>>> note that the arguments to this macro include name(s) of functions
>>>> defined in the BSL file. I though of maybe using
>>>> provide-higher-order-primitive, but it doesn't seem to work either.
>>>> --- nadeem
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