[racket-dev] Scribble Racket Code with Here Strings
I sometimes use here strings for readability when building queries, etc.
For example:
(let-values (((variables results)
(get-repository-query-tuple r
select * from {x} sys:repositoryID {y}
using namespace
sys = <http://www.openrdf.org/config/repository#>
#:query-language 'SERQL)))
(printf "Repository ids = ~s~n"
(for/list ((bindings (in-list results)))
(binding-string (bindings-ref bindings 'y)))))
But I haven't found a good way to document this (as Racket code) in
Scribble. Everything I've tried renders like:
(let-values (((variables results) (
get-repository-query-tuple r "select * from {x}
sys:repositoryID {y}\r\nusing namespace\r\n sys = <
#:query-language 'SERQL))) (printf "Repository ids = ~s~n" (
for/list ((bindings (in-list results))) (binding-string (
bindings-ref bindings 'y)))))
That is, the here string has been rendered as a normal string with lots of
whitespace after.
Any ideas?
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