[racket-dev] corrected sxml.plt 2 1

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Tue Oct 26 15:49:48 EDT 2010

The existing version of sxml.plt has a compile-omit-paths that refers to "test.ss".  Unfortunately, the actual filename is "tests.ss".  This turns a one-minute installation into a terrifying fifteen-minute install-fest, covering a total of 21 additional planet packages.

Is there any chance I can upload a new version of this package?

On a separate note, to dev: is there any way that schemeunit could be made slightly less of a very large install? Especially since rackunit is now part of the collects tree. ... If this opens a terrible can of worms, just forget about it.

John Clements

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