[racket-dev] building docs, compile collects

From: Jon Rafkind (rafkind at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Mon Oct 25 19:05:12 EDT 2010

Because I don't want to figure out all the necessary modules (that list
below may not be exhaustive) and sometimes I do work on other random
collects in the tree.

On 10/25/2010 05:03 PM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
> So what's wrong with just `raco setup -D'?
> An hour ago, Jon Rafkind wrote:
>> If I run 'racket -f quiet.rktl' in collects/tests/racket a bunch of
>> collects will be pulled in (mzlib, scheme, racket, etc.). So I would
>> need to do 'raco setup -D racket mzlib scheme', not to mention first
>> figure out what collections are pulled in to begin with.
>> On 10/25/2010 03:57 PM, Robby Findler wrote:
>>> Oh, yes. Just run "make install" and then "raco setup -D racket".
>>> Write it down on a postit and stick it on your screen. :) Or make
>>> a little script that does the whole git pull thing and onwards.

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