[racket-dev] REPL crash
5 hours ago, Dmitry Chestnykh wrote:
> The following example from docs (11.9) crashes console REPL (but not
> gracket or DrRacket):
> (define-namespace-anchor anchor)
> (parameterize ([current-namespace
> (namespace-anchor->namespace anchor)])
> (expand
> (datum->syntax
> #f
> '(delay (+ 1 2)))))
Namespace anchors are intended to be used from modules, when you're in
the REPL you don't really need to use them -- since you already have
the `current-namespace'.
The bug is still a bug, of course, just happens to be code that nobody
would try... Here's a shorter version:
(define-namespace-anchor anchor)
(eval 1 (namespace-anchor->namespace anchor))
and in more primitive terms:
(define tmp #f)
(define r (#%variable-reference tmp))
(eval 1 (variable-reference->namespace r))
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!