[racket-dev] Removing Xexpr preference from Web Server

From: Nevo (sakur.deagod at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Nov 29 03:29:03 EST 2010

On 28 November 2010 00:31, YC <yinso.chen at gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree with Neil that xexpr or sxml are very nice representations of html
> as well.  Given their inherent advantage I think an extensible response
> mechanism might work better:
>    1. create hooks to handle different response types
>    2. let the different package to install the necessary hooks
> For example - the hook might be called make-response-hook, and in xml
> package (maybe xml/web-server.ss) can install the hook.

> Such a hook will allow others to make their own extension as well to manage
> their own custom response types.

Agree! that way the Racket web server seems be able to be widely
proliferated, and I can handily make a call to that extension instead of
converting back and forth . For example, right now, I have to first convert
a list to json object, then to byte string before sending out.
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