[racket-dev] BUG: compile: access from an uncertified context to unexported variable from module: "/usr/local/src/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt" in: apply-contract
(Sorry for any duplicaiton; I tried submitting this through DrRacket
but never got a confirmation email)
On Racket v5.0.1.900., Ubuntu 10.10 x86:
Create "stuff.rkt" with this content:
#! /bin/sh
#| Hey Emacs, this is -*-scheme-*- code!
exec racket -l errortrace --require "$0" --main -- ${1+"$@"}
#lang racket
(require rackunit rackunit/text-ui)
(require racket/date
(prefix-in srfi-19- srfi/19))
(define-test-suite stuff-tests (check-equal? 2 2))
(provide stuff)
(define (stuff)
"Yep, I'm some stuff, all right"
Now create "silly.rkt" with this content:
#! /bin/sh
#| Hey Emacs, this is -*-scheme-*- code!
exec racket -l errortrace --require "$0" --main -- ${1+"$@"}
#lang web-server/insta
(require "stuff.rkt")
(define (start request)
(head (title "Stuff"))
(p ,(format "Here's some stuff: ~a" (stuff))))))
Make silly.rkt executable, and run it.
You _should_ see a message about "Your servelet is running, look in
your browser", etc. Instead you see
compile: access from an uncertified context to unexported variable
from module: "/usr/local/src/racket/collects/racket/contract/private/base.rkt"
in: apply-contract
Now comment out the "define-test-suite" line in stuff.rkt, and try
again; this time it works.