[plt-dev] Racket web page

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Tue May 25 21:58:11 EDT 2010

I think it works. I was trying to get you an extra line. 

On May 25, 2010, at 8:48 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:

> At Tue, 25 May 2010 13:29:15 -0400, Danny Yoo wrote:
>> ;; gets the unique lines, although not guaranteeing order:
>> (let ([a-ht  (for/fold ([a-ht #hash()])
>>                                ([line (in-lines (current-input-port))])
>>         (hash-set a-ht line #t))])
>>  (for ([line (in-hash-keys a-ht)])
>>    (printf "~a~n" line)))
> I'd write that one as
> #lang racket
> ;; Report each unique line from stdin:
> (let ([saw (make-hash)])
>   (for ([line (in-lines)])
>     (unless (hash-ref saw line #f)
>       (displayln line))
>     (hash-set! saw line #t)))
> to preserve the order. Ok?
> Another possibility is
> #lang racket
> ;; Report each unique line from stdin:
> (for/fold ([saw (hash)]) ([line (in-lines)])
>   (unless (hash-ref saw line #f)
>     (displayln line))
>   (hash-set saw line #t))
> but the result from `for/fold' isn't wanted, so an extra `void' wrapper
> (or similar) would be needed.
> This program is currently the example of processing lines/strings with
> `for' loop. It seems like a good representative of the set, because it
> requires a bit more than just `awk'-like matching.
>> #lang racket
>> ;; Compute md5 checksum of the file given at the command line
>> (require scheme/cmdline
>>         file/md5)
>> (printf "~a~n" (md5 (command-line #:args (filename) filename)))
> I'm not sure about a program that mostly calls a function that has a
> Unix command-line counterpart. The use of `command-line' is a good
> idea, and it fits nicely with Carl's dice program...
> At Tue, 25 May 2010 17:31:43 -0400, Carl Eastlund wrote:
>> #lang racket
>> (define rx #px"(\\d*)d(\\d+)([+-]\\d+|)")
>> (match (current-command-line-arguments)
>>  [(vector (regexp rx (list _ dice sides mod)))
>>   (apply + (or (string->number mod) 0)
>>     (build-list (or (string->number dice) 1)
>>       (λ (i) (+ 1 (random (string->number sides))))))])
> Impressively compact! But there's really a lot going on there.
> Dice make a good example for a simple command-line utility. Here's a
> simpler program that is inspired by your example:
> #lang racket
> ;; A dice-rolling command-line utility
> (require racket/cmdline)
> (command-line 
>  #:args (sides dice)
>  (for ([i (in-range (string->number dice))])
>    (displayln (random (string->number sides)))))
> At Tue, 25 May 2010 17:15:11 -0400, Neil Van Dyke wrote:
>> Regarding single-character identifiers... Given that Scheme standard 
>> identifiers tend to be verbose, and that many of these examples squeezed 
>> into 40x7 are one-liners in Perl anyway, maybe focusing on readability 
>> is a good idea.  Maybe bump it up to as wide as 70x7.
> I'm willing to go a little wider --- wide enough for the Google
> example, which is now added (based on Guillaume's version).
> At Tue, 25 May 2010 14:51:15 -0600, Jon Rafkind wrote:
>> Since all the code is extremely public can I make a strong request that 
>> variable names not be single letter characters? Some short word would be 
>> preferable.
> I fixed some unnecessarily short names. Others would either make the
> program wider (e.g., in the GUI program) or don't seem to merit long
> names (e.g., `i' as an index variable).
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