[plt-dev] Racket web page
This looks very nice! I love the visual pun with the parens. :)
A couple initial reactions:
- As impressive as the many languages of Racket are, it seems awfully daunting to show them as the "quick start" examples. The first one I hit was 2htdp/image. If I were coming to the site cold, I'd look at that and think "what on earth is that?" Showing off the many languages is definitely a good marketing aim, but I'm not sure whether the front-page "quick start" is the place for.
- The "Grow your Mind" title came across a little condescending. Maybe "Grow your Skills" or something? I'm not sure. It might be fine. Just my first reaction.
- You probably already planned on this, but whatever style you choose, all the pages should match.
- This might be just too much work, but in an ideal world, all those links to various highlights of the language would go to more high-level descriptions of them, rather than dropping the user straight into the middle of the docs for some sub-component of Racket.
Dave, cheering from the sidelines
On May 20, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> A few of us (Robby, Jay, Matthias, Eli, and I) have been working on the
> Racket web page. Here's what we've come up with, so far:
> http://www.cs.utah.edu/~mflatt/tmp/r/www/
> Besides a different look, the main goal is to explain better what
> Racket is and why Racket is different.
> We'd like to have more 7-line programs for the middle slideshow, so
> please contribute.
> Otherwise, let's have feedback on the content first, please. Then we
> can discuss which shade of black to use for title bar. :)
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