[plt-dev] coding

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Fri May 14 10:30:28 EDT 2010

Aha. I finally discovered this comment in the original file, miles away:

   ;; take/drop-right are originally from srfi-1, uses the same lead- 
pointer trick

On May 14, 2010, at 9:43 AM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

> As I continued my contracting of racket/list last night, I  
> encountered a strange function:
> (define (split-at-right.v1 list n)
>  (let loop ([list list]
>             [lead (or (drop* list n) (err2large 'split-at-right list  
> n))]
>             [pfx '()])
>    ;; could throw an error for non-lists, but be more like `split-at'
>    (if (pair? lead)
>        (loop (cdr list) (cdr lead) (cons (car list) pfx))
>        (values (reverse pfx) list))))
> ;; internal use below
> (define (drop* list n) ; no error checking, returns #f if index is  
> too large
>  (if (zero? n) list (and (pair? list) (drop* (cdr list) (sub1 n)))))
> Try to figure out what it does before you read on. Don't look up the  
> docs.
> (err2large just raises an error.)
> It took me 5 minutes to figure out why this worked. I consider this  
> too much.
> ;; ---
> So I rewrote in what I consider the obvious style:
> (define (split-at-right l n)
>  (let down ([l l][seen '()])
>    (if (pair? l)
>        (down (cdr l) (cons (car l) seen))
>        (let up ([l seen][n n][seen l])
>          (if (> n 0)
>              (if (pair? l)
>                  (up (cdr l) (- n 1) (cons (car l) seen))
>                  (err2large 'split-at-right list n))
>              (values (reverse l) seen))))))
> Yes, it's an extra line of code but I think it's truly  
> straightforward:
> recur down and reverse, recur backwards.
> ;; ---
> Then I had doubts. Perhaps the original designer who baked this  
> strange
> invariant into the two loops knew something about the internal  
> performance
> of racket that I don't know. So here is a microbenchmark stress test:
> (define (stress-test split)
>  (define n 20000)
>  (define l (build-list n add1))
>  (define _ (begin (collect-garbage) (collect-garbage)))
>  (define x
>    (time
>     (for/list ((i (in-range n)))
>       (define-values (x y) (split-at-right l i))
>       (length y))))
>  (void))
> (stress-test split-at-right)
> (stress-test split-at-right.v1)
> Here are the times:
>> cpu time: 19681 real time: 19672 gc time: 6942
>> cpu time: 19716 real time: 19792 gc time: 6966
> No difference; if any, my version is a tad faster (on smaller
> lists too).
> ;; ---
> Structural design with straightforward accumulators is fine, just  
> fine.
> No need to encode invariants -- Matthias
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