[racket-dev] comment boxes
Eli Barzilay wrote at 06/29/2010 04:46 PM:
> 2. Gnats *does* know how to deal with attachements. The problem is
> that our cgi library cannot handle a multipart/form-data encoding.
> (If you convince the author to add support for that, I'll do the
> rest and add a file attachement option to the web form, and
> changing drracket to send a file is probably easy too.)
I implemented "multipart/form-data" reading a couple years ago as part
of robust CGI support for a proprietary application.
As I recall, the HTTP "post" MIME-reading code is only a little bit
application-specific. (It writes file attachments directly to disk, and
adds metadata about the attachments to the form field alist in a certain
application-specific (constraining) way. It might also do some stuff
with character encodings that are not strictly backwards-compatible with
Racket's "cgi" library.)
If anyone has time and interest in adapting this HTTP "post"
MIME-reading code to improve core Racket, I suspect that the copyright
owner would be willing and able to contribute it.