[racket-dev] [plt] Push #20559: master branch updated
On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 4:14 PM, <eli at racket-lang.org> wrote:
> 3f36d05 Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> 2010-06-23 16:10
> :
> | Turn contracts on `enqueue!' and `dequeue!' into the usual error checks.
> |
> | On a simple benchmark of:
> |
> | (let ([N 100000]
> | [M 20]
> | [q (make-queue)])
> | (time (for ([i (in-range M)])
> | (for ([i (in-range (* i N))]) (enqueue! q i))
> | (unless (for/and ([i (in-range (* i N))]) (list i (dequeue! q)))
> | (error "poof")))))
> |
> | I get these timings:
> |
> | original version: cpu time: 24438 real time: 24439 gc time: 8164
> | single-links: cpu time: 17848 real time: 17849 gc time: 4859
> | this version: cpu time: 6519 real time: 6519 gc time: 3032
> |
Do we really want to remove contracts from code just because they
don't perform as well as hand-written checks? Contracts offer a lot
of advantages that hand-written checks don't have. Also, did you try
just changing the result contract from `void?' to `any/c'?
sam th
samth at ccs.neu.edu