[racket-dev] Feature request: allow 2htdp/image bitmap function to load from URL
Below is a quick hack I did to allow loading a 2htdp/image bitmap from a url like this:
(bitmap (url "http://docs.racket-lang.org/teachpack/4e85791a5.png"))
There's no error checking, and I was too lazy to do a diff, but I've marked the three pieces that I added with "; .nah." comments. Would it be possible to add this feature to the library? This would have been a little easier maybe if bitmap% provided load from ports, but I see that's an open PR (9335).
--- nadeem
(define-syntax (bitmap stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ arg)
(let* ([arg (syntax->datum #'arg)]
[url? (and (pair? arg) (eq? (car arg) 'url))] ; .nah.
[(and (pair? arg)
(eq? (car arg) 'planet))
(raise-syntax-error 'bitmap "planet paths not yet supported" stx)]
; .nah. ...
(let ([temp-path (make-temporary-file)])
(call-with-output-file temp-path
(lambda (outp)
(string->url (cadr arg)) get-pure-port
(lambda (inp)
(copy-port inp outp)
#:exists 'replace
(display temp-path)
; ... .nah.
[(symbol? arg)
(let ([pieces (regexp-split #rx"/" (symbol->string arg))])
[(null? pieces)
(raise-syntax-error 'bitmap "expected a path with a / in it" stx)]
(let loop ([cps (current-library-collection-paths)])
[(null? cps)
(raise-syntax-error 'bitmap
(format "could not find the ~a collection" (car pieces))
(if (and (directory-exists? (car cps))
(member (build-path (car pieces))
(directory-list (car cps))))
(let ([candidate (apply build-path (car cps) pieces)])
(if (file-exists? candidate)
(raise-syntax-error 'bitmap
(format "could not find ~a in the ~a collection"
(apply string-append (add-between (cdr pieces) "/"))
(car pieces))
(loop (cdr cps)))]))]))]
[(string? arg)
(or (current-load-relative-directory)
; .nah. ...
#`(let ([result (make-object image-snip% (make-object bitmap% #,path 'unknown/mask))])
(when #,url? (delete-file #,path))
; ... .nah.