[racket-dev] Pre-Release Checklist for v5.0.1
Done. The PLoT demos and extensions in the science collection work as
On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 8:47 AM, Ryan Culpepper <ryanc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> Checklist items for the v5.0.1 release
> (using the v5.0.0.900 release candidate build)
> Search for your name to find relevant items, reply when you finish an
> item (please indicate which item/s is/are done). Also, if you have any
> commits that should have been picked, make sure that the changes are in.
> Important: new builds are created without announcement, usually whenever
> I pick a few commits. If you need to commit changes, please make sure
> you tell me to pick it into the release branch.
> --> Release candidates are at
> --> http://pre.racket-lang.org/release/installers
> Please use these installers (or source bundles) -- don't test from
> your own git clone (don't test v5.0.1.1 by mistake!). To get
> the tests directory in such a directory, you can do this:
> cd ...racket-root...
> git archive --remote=git://git.racket-lang.org/plt.git release \
> -- collects/tests | tar xf
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> * Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu>
> - Racket Tests
> - Languages Tests
> - GRacket Tests (Also check that `gracket -z' and `gracket-text' still
> works in Windows and Mac OS X)
> - mzc Tests
> - mzc --exe tests
> - .plt-packing Tests
> - Games Tests
> - Unit Tests
> - Syntax Color Tests
> - R6RS Tests
> - JPR's test suite.
> Updates:
> - Racket Updates: update HISTORY
> - GRacket Updates: update README, HISTORY
> (updates should show v5.0.1 as the most current version)
> - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: racket.1, gracket.1, raco.1
> Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
> are no such changes.
> * Robby Findler <robby at eecs.northwestern.edu>
> - DrRacket Tests
> - Framework Tests
> - Contracts Tests
> - Games Tests
> - Teachpacks Tests: image tests
> - PLaneT Tests
> Updates:
> - DrRacket Updates: update HISTORY
> (updates should show v5.0.1 as the most current version)
> - Ensure that previous version of DrRacket's preference files still
> starts up with new DrRacket
> - Update man pages in racket/man/man1: drracket.1
> Email me to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there
> are no such changes.
> * John Clements <clements at brinckerhoff.org>
> - Stepper Tests
> Updates:
> - Stepper Updates: update HISTORY
> (updates should show v5.0.1 as the most current version; email me
> to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such
> changes.)
> * Matthias Felleisen <matthias at ccs.neu.edu>
> - Teachpacks Tests: check that new teachpacks are addable
> - Teachpack Docs: check teachpack docs in the bundles
> Updates:
> - Teachpack Updates: update HISTORY
> (updates should show v5.0.1 as the most current version; email me
> to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such
> changes.)
> * Casey Klein <clklein at eecs.northwestern.edu>
> - Redex Tests
> Updates:
> - Redex Updates: update HISTORY
> (updates should show v5.0.1 as the most current version; email me
> to pick the changes when they're done, or tell me if there are no such
> changes.)
> * Ryan Culpepper <ryanc at ccs.neu.edu>
> - Macro Debugger Tests
> - Syntax Classifier Tests
> * Jay McCarthy <jay.mccarthy at gmail.com>
> - Web Server Tests
> - XML Tests
> - HTML Tests
> - PLAI Tests
> - Racklog tests
> * Paul Steckler <steck at stecksoft.com>
> - MysterX Tests
> - MzCOM Tests
> * Kathy Gray <kathryn.gray at cl.cam.ac.uk>
> - Test Engine Tests
> * Chongkai Zhu <czhu at cs.utah.edu>
> - SRFI Tests
> - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
> load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)
> * Noel Welsh <noelwelsh at gmail.com>
> - Rackunit Tests
> - SRFI Tests
> - Ensure that all claimed srfi's are in the installer and they all
> load into racket or drracket (as appropriate)
> * Sam Tobin-Hochstadt <samth at ccs.neu.edu>
> - Match Tests
> - Typed Scheme Tests
> * Stevie Strickland <sstrickl at ccs.neu.edu>
> - Unit Contract Tests
> - Contract Region Tests
> * Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org>
> - Swindle Tests
> - Plot Tests
> - Racket Tree: compare new distribution tree to previous one
> Version Updates: if a major change has happened, update the version
> number in:
> - racket/collects/mzscheme/info.rkt
> - racket/collects/mred/info.rkt
> * Doug Williams <m.douglas.williams at gmail.com>
> - Plot Tests
> * Greg Cooper <greg at cs.brown.edu>
> - FrTime Tests
> * Carl Eastlund <cce at ccs.neu.edu>
> - Dracula Tests (confirm that Dracula runs from PLaneT)
> * Shriram Krishnamurthi <sk at cs.brown.edu>
> Tour: check the tour and generate a new one if needed.
> [Note: Since this is a v5.0.0.900 build, you will need to edit your
> .../collects/framework/private/version.rkt
> file and change `(version)' to `"5.0.1"'.]
> --
> Ryan Culpepper
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