[racket-dev] full tree text search

From: Matthias Felleisen (matthias at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Wed Dec 8 22:11:37 EST 2010

So how do you use it? I entered 


and I got a huge stack trace. 

On Dec 8, 2010, at 8:26 PM, Jon Rafkind wrote:

> I whipped up a webservice that provides full text search on the racket
> tree. Its written in java using lucene+jetty. It doesn't have a lot of
> bells and whistles right now but if people find it useful I can add
> things to it.
> I'll try to leave the server up most of the time for a few days. If its
> down and you want to try the server just let me know.
> --
> Why not use google search? Well its nice to have a little more control
> over how the results are shown. Sites like http://koders.com show a
> little bit of whats possible.
> Also its easy to set up the text search on your local box. Rebuilding a
> full index takes less than 2 minutes.
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