[racket-dev] Nit in Windows build files

From: Paul Steckler (steck at stecksoft.com)
Date: Mon Aug 16 01:58:22 EDT 2010

In last night's build, the Visual Studio solution file
src/worksp/racket/racket.sln contains the line:

  Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "libracket",
      "..\libracket\libracket.vcproj",  "{A6713577-7DFB-48F8-B8C1-7DB2D7C51F90}"

When you load that solution into VS2005, that project shows up as
`libmzsch', which is
confusing (and breaks some code I'm working on).

I think you just need to rename the project.

-- Paul

Posted on the dev mailing list.