[plt-dev] pushes & pulls & building

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Tue Apr 27 14:07:21 EDT 2010

On Apr 27, 2010, at 10:25 AM, Robby Findler wrote:

> In order to do a push this morning, I had to do a pull. Which
> suggested that I should probably rebuild; I started this process at
> 9:30 this morning (it is now 12:30) and I am only just started on
> rendering the docs (my changes involve changes to the docs). It is
> taking so long because there have been pushes since I pulled and those
> pushes required long rebuild times; well, that and my machine is slow.
> So, this doesn't seem feasible. What do others do?
> If I had a way to push from my slow machine to my fast machine I could
> do the build and testing there, I think, and I would have been done
> hours ago, I expect. Is that a fruitful path to consider?

I think the key phrase is in the first sentence: you started with the assumption that you wanted to do a push.  Why was that?  My guess is that it was in order to share your changes between your machines, and to protect against loss of data.  It sounds like Eli thinks the right solution here is to have a cloned private repository on the server side.


John Clements

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