[plt-dev] naming poll
(("racket rkt"
"racket raco")
("racket racket-tool"
"racket rktool"))
Robby Findler wrote:
> Below is a list of the pairs of names that were posted in the previous
> thread. Some of them were silly (several of mine were) and perhaps
> others picked silly ones too. Please sort the list to indicate your
> preferences (most preferred to least) and post here. Note that if you
> want to include multiple items at the same preference level, you can
> put them into a sublist.
> Also, I think I should probably clarify something (in case this wasn't
> obvious!): PLT is really a confederation of cooperating despots; these
> poll results help inform decisions, but we're not voting here
> (everyone knows that democracy doesn't work, right? ;). In particular,
> I suspect that if "racket mousekatool" wins the poll, it probably be
> the decision we take.
> ("mill gizmo"
> "r rt"
> "ra ket"
> "rac ket"
> "racket gizmo"
> "racket krkr"
> "racket moblammo"
> "racket mousekatool"
> "racket racket-tool"
> "racket racquet"
> "racket rico"
> "racket rkrk"
> "racket rkt"
> "racket rktool"
> "racket rocks"
> "racket rorr"
> "racket rtk"
> "racket tekcar"
> "rk rkt"
> "rk rt"
> "rkt rktool")
> Robby
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