[plt-dev] Q. about local branches

From: John Clements (clements at brinckerhoff.org)
Date: Thu Apr 22 13:44:14 EDT 2010

What I learned today: local branches don't get propagated to the master repository on a 'push' unless there's some remote tag that refers to them.  

I had heretofore assumed that I could use 'git push' in much the same way as 'svn commit' to guarantee, e.g., that when leaving work nothing was "trapped" on that machine.  IIUC, the behavior of local branches means that this isn't so.

Question: is there some easy way to ensure that the local repository is fully mirrored on the server?  Aside from 
- not creating branches, or
- hard-coding the list of branches so that they can all be checked?

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