[plt-dev] Mac OS X audio creates new threads, how to call scheme code?
You should set up an evt through the C API using scheme_add_evt(),
where the evt's polling function checks something to be set by the MIDI
callback. In addition, the MIDI callback should call
scheme_signal_received() (ok to call from any OS-level thread or signal
handler) to ensure that the evt's polling operation is called by the
runtime system.
At Tue, 20 Apr 2010 11:08:23 -0700, John Clements wrote:
> Justin Phillips is writing code to allow Racket[*] to interact with Mac OS X
> MIDI events. This OS code has the following interface, as I understand it:
> give me a callback, and I'll set up a new high priority thread to receive
> calls to this callback.
> Unfortunately, as we understand it, having a separate thread call racket code
> is a big no-no.
> So, we have two threads running in the same process, needing to communicate.
> Ideally, we'd like to avoid polling, but I'm not sure what the best strategy
> is. Is there an obvious choice for allowing a C thread to send a signal
> (perhaps just a Unix 'signal'?) to the racket threads? Could the C code
> manipulate a racket semaphore? I pawed through Inside PLT Scheme for a bit,
> but didn't find what I was looking for.
> Suggestions and doc pointers much appreciated,
> John Clements
> [*] When should we start calling it "racket" on plt-scheme? The only reason I
> sent this message to plt-dev and not to plt-scheme was because I wasn't sure
> about the answer to this question.
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