[plt-dev] some Racket proposals & implementation
I like all the ideas. I'm wondering what other things 'configure' will
be used for.
On Fri, Apr 2, 2010 at 3:30 PM, Matthew Flatt <mflatt at cs.utah.edu> wrote:
> Version in the SVN trunk includes experimental features to
> support the following proposed Racket features. You can try the
> proposals with `#lang racket' in MzScheme.
> Structure Constructor Names
> ---------------------------
> Proposal: The default constructor name bound by `define-struct' in
> Racket should be the same as the type name, instead of having a `make-'
> prefix.
> Example:
> > (define-struct a (x y))
> > a
> #<procedure:a>
> > (a 1 2)
> #<a>
> To help support this potential feature, the `define-struct' form of
> `scheme/base' now accepts a `#:constructor-name' argument to give the
> constructor a name other than the one prefixed with `make-'. In
> particular, the constructor name can be the same as the type name:
> > (define-struct a (x y))
> > make-a
> #<procedure:make-a>
> > (define-struct a (x y) #:constructor-name a)
> > a
> #<procedure:a>
> > (a 1 2)
> #<a>
> A natural (and generally backward-compatible) to change to `match'
> would be to treat structure-type names as pattern constructors, so that
> (match (a 1 2)
> [(a x y) x])
> would produce 1.
> Semi-quasiquote Printing
> ------------------------
> Proposal: Use quasiquote printing as Racket's default printing mode,
> but only for transparent values.
> Functional programmers long ago figured out that it's better to print a
> value in the same way as an expression that produces the value.
> Printing with `quasiquote', meanwhile, mostly preserves the Lisp
> tradition of printing values that represent expressions as the
> expressions that they represent.
> Some values, however, cannot be printed easily as expressions that
> produce the same value. For example, In DrScheme with quasiquote
> printing,
> (list 1 (let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) f))
> prints as
> `(1 ,(lambda (a1) ...))
> The printer cannot actually print a function, so it has to invent a
> `lambda' expression that approximates the value. The problem is worse
> with objects, classes, and other opaque types. Expressions with graphs
> print as a `shared' expression.
> Other implementations of functional languages punt on opaque values.
> Here's an example in OCaml, which prints functions as just `<fun>':
> # Some 10;;
> - : int option = Some 10
> # sqrt;;
> - : float -> float = <fun>
> # [sqrt;sqrt];;
> - : (float -> float) list = [<fun>; <fun>]
> This seems like the right compromise for Racket. For example,
> (list 1 (let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) f))
> could print as
> `(1 #<procedure:f>)
> (Note that there's no need for an unquote when printing a value as a
> non-expression. Non-S-expression forms are "self-unquoting".)
> Transparent (or prtially transparent) structures can print with
> constructors, while opaque structures can print as non-S-expressions:
> > (define-struct a (x y))
> > (list 1 (a 2 3))
> `(1 #<a>)
> > (define-struct a (x y) #:transparent)
> > (list 1 (a 2 3))
> `(1 ,(a 2 3))
> Instances of prefab structure types, meanwhile, should stick to
> quasiquoting:
> > (define-struct b (x y) #:prefab)
> > (list 1 (b (a 2 3) 'x))
> `(1 #s(b ,(a 2 3) x))
> Graphs can still use the compact #n= notation:
> > (read (open-input-string "#0=(1 . #0#)"))
> `#0=(1 . #0#)
> Unlike DrScheme's quasiquote printing, semi-quasiquote printing is
> easily implemented by parameterizing our existing printer(s).
> A new `print-as-quasiquote' parameter directs `print' and
> `pretty-print' to use semi-quasiquote style. (The parameter does not
> affect `write'.)
> Welcome to MzScheme v4.2.5.5 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2010 PLT Scheme Inc.
> > 'x
> x
> > (print-as-quasiquote #t)
> > 'x
> 'x
> > (list 1 2 3)
> `(1 2 3)
> > sqrt
> #<procedure:sqrt>
> > (list 1 sqrt)
> `(1 #<procedure:sqrt>)
> The `port-print-handler' and `prop:write' protocols have been changed
> (in a mostly backward-compatible way) to make semi-quasiquote printing
> extensible.
> Language-Specific Run-Time Configuration
> ----------------------------------------
> Proposal: The main language of a program should determine a run-time
> configuration, including the style for printing values.
> Assuming the changes above, we'd want
> #lang scheme
> (define-struct a (x y) #:transparent)
> (list (make-a 1 2))
> to produce
> (#(struct:a 1 2))
> while
> #lang racket
> (define-struct a (x y) #:transparent)
> (list (a 1 2))
> should produce
> `(,(a 1 2))
> Along the same lines, we'd want
> #lang scheme
> (define-struct a (x y) #:transparent)
> (+ 'x (list (make-a 1 2)))
> to produce the error message
> +: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: x; other arguments
> were: (#(struct:a 1 2))
> while
> #lang racket
> (define-struct a (x y) #:transparent)
> (+ 'x (list (a 1 2)))
> should produce the error message
> +: expects type <number> as 1st argument, given: 'x; other arguments
> were: `(,(a 1 2))
> The different `define-struct's are easily support through different
> bindings imported by `scheme' and `racket'. Similarly, for printing
> top-level results in a module, you might imagine that `scheme' and
> `racket' use different printing functions. The different error formats,
> however, are not so easily controlled through bindings.
> Setting `print-as-quasiquote' to #t is enough to get the Racket-style
> error format, but having `#lang racket' inject `(print-as-quasiquote
> #t)' in the module top-level would not work well when modules from
> different languages are mixed together. For example, if a program
> imports both
> ;; s.ss:
> #lang scheme
> (define (s-bad v) (error 's-bad "~e" v))
> (provide s-bad)
> and
> ;; r.rkt
> #lang racket
> (define (r-bad v) (error 'r-bad "~e" v))
> (provide r-bad)
> the way an error message is printed by `s-bad' and `r-bad' shouldn't
> depend on the order that the modules are instantiated.
> To accommodate run-time configuration of the environment, such as
> setting the way that values are printed, `mzscheme' now treats the main
> module of a program specially. It extracts information about the
> module's language --- specifically, whether the language declares a
> run-time configuration action. If so, `mzscheme' runs the
> language-configuration action before it instantiates the module.
> As a result, when you put either version of the code above in "ex.ss",
> then `mzscheme ex.ss' produces the right error message.
> Here's how it works in more detail for the case of `#lang racket':
> * The `racket' module reader has implemented in `racket/lang/reader'
> associates a 'module-language property with `module' form that it
> produces from "ex.ss". The 'module-language property essentially
> points back to `racket/lang/reader'.
> * The macro expander and bytecode compiler preserves the
> 'module-language information so that it's available through
> `module-compiled-language-info' (from the unevaluated bytecode)
> and/or `module->language-info' (from the evaluated module
> declaration).
> * When the `mzscheme' executable is given a module to run, it uses
> `module->language-info' to get the module's language information
> before `require'ing the module. The `module->language-info' loads
> "ex.ss" (from source or bytecode) and extracts language info from
> the declared module.
> The language info on the declaration of the module from "ex.ss"
> points back to the `get-info' export of `racket/lang/reader'. The
> `mzscheme' executable calls that function with the
> 'configure-runtime key.
> * The `get-info' function of `racket/lang/reader' recognizes the
> 'configure-runtime key and reports back the `configure' function
> provided by `racket/private/runtime'.
> [Why doesn't `get-info' just call `configure' directly? See below
> on creating executables.]
> * The `mzscheme' executable calls the `configure' function of
> `racket/private/runtime' calls it. The `configure' function simply
> sets the `print-as-quasiquote' parameter to #t.
> * Having finished running the language's configuration action, the
> `mzscheme' executable `require's the "ex.ss" module to instantiate
> it. (Although `module->language-info' has already loaded the module,
> `module->language-info' doesn't instantiate the module.)
> Instantiating the module runs the expressions in its body,
> triggering the `+' error. The error message uses the right style for
> printing values because the `print-as-quasiquote' parameter was set
> to #t by `configure'.
> If you run `mzc --exe ex ex.ss', the generated executable prints the
> right error message, too. That's because `mzc' extracts the main
> module's language information in the same way as `mzscheme'. Based on
> the result for 'confgure-runtime for the module's language, `mzc'
> embeds the `racket/private/runtime' module in the generated executable
> (and that's why `get-info' doesn't call `configure' itself). The
> generated executable includes a start-up action that calls `configure'
> before running the main module.
> DrScheme should similarly extract language information and call
> `configure' before running the module. It may be that a single
> side-affecting `configure' function isn't the right interface for
> DrScheme, and so experiments with DrScheme may lead to a different
> protocol for `mzscheme' and `mzc'.
> When `mzscheme' is run in interactive module, the initialization
> module's language is used to initialize the run-time configuration. The
> `racket', `racket/base' and `racket/init' modules are implemented in
> Racket, so
> mzscheme -I racket/init
> gives you a REPL like `racket' could give you (when it exists).
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Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93