[plt-dev] DrDr Checkup

From: Jay McCarthy (jay.mccarthy at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Oct 16 18:43:48 EDT 2009

DrDr has been running for about three months now. It has built 800 revisions.

It started thinking there were about 1200 errors in the code base, but
I was able get rid of false positives to the tune of ~500, then ~300,
and now I have just over 100. I have looked at every one of those
errors now and I believe that they are all either real errors, dead
code, or that I am running something slightly wrong.

I would like you to

1) Go to http://plt-drdr.cs.byu.edu/

2) Select the most recent revision that has completed (at the top.)

3) Locate files you care about with errors, by sorting by "Unclean
Exit?" and drilling down.

4) Read the log and respond with one of the following

----a) "Do not try to run that file at all. It is already run by another test."

----b) "You should be using this command line: ..."

----c) "That code is dead, feel free to delete it"

----d) "That is a real bug, I will fix it soon"

----e) "That is a real bug, but I don't have time to fix it; Here is a
vague idea of how you can fix it for me: ..."

----f) "Bugger off, I am making PLT better."

Thank you!


Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University

"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93

Posted on the dev mailing list.