[plt-dev] Terminal control
Cool. I'll try these out!
On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Eli Barzilay <eli at barzilay.org> wrote:
> On Mar 10, Matthew Flatt wrote:
>> At Tue, 10 Mar 2009 16:06:26 -0600, Jay McCarthy wrote:
>> > Don't ask why, but I'd like to do a terminal app with PLT.
>> >
>> > But I can figure out how to capture key presses as they are
>> > done. I can type something in and press enter, but I can't capture
>> > the key right when it is pressed, do something, and NOT print it
>> > out.
>> >
>> > I assumed that read-byte would do it, but apparently not.
>> >
>> > Any suggestions?
>> You probably want to use the C library's "termios" functions to
>> control the terminal associated with stdin. Try `man cfmakeraw' for
>> more information.
>> You'll also need scheme_get_port_fd() to go from a Scheme port to a
>> file descriptor. (Yep, I see the typo in the docs for that
>> one... fixed in SVN.)
> It might be easier to just use stty, which can get you that kind of
> control. Here's some code that demonstrates how to get single
> characters as they come, without echoing them back. (I've been using
> variations of this for a long time for all kinds of convenient
> scripts.)
> #!/bin/env mzscheme
> #lang scheme/base
> (require scheme/system)
> (define (call-with-stty thunk)
> (define stty-exe
> (or (find-executable-path "stty")
> (error 'stty "could not find executable")))
> (define (stty . args)
> (or (apply system* stty-exe args)
> (error 'stty "couldn't run with ~e" args)))
> (define (get)
> (let ([o (open-output-string)])
> (parameterize ([current-output-port o])
> (stty "-g")
> (regexp-replace #rx"\r?\n$" (get-output-string o) ""))))
> (let ([settings (get)])
> (dynamic-wind (lambda () (stty "raw" "-echo" "opost"))
> thunk
> (lambda () (stty settings)))))
> (call-with-stty
> (lambda ()
> (let loop ()
> (printf "Hit any key, q to exit: ")
> (flush-output)
> (let ([ch (read-char)])
> (printf "~s\n" ch)
> (unless (eq? ch #\q) (loop))))))
> --
> ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
> http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!
Jay McCarthy <jay at cs.byu.edu>
Assistant Professor / Brigham Young University
"The glory of God is Intelligence" - D&C 93