[plt-dev] Errors with SRFI-1 in R6RS mode that are not in #scheme mode in PLT

From: Grant Rettke (grettke at acm.org)
Date: Sun Mar 1 11:45:18 EST 2009

I am getting errors with SRFI-1 in R6RS mode that are not in #scheme mode in:

Welcome to DrScheme, version [3m].

#lang scheme

(require (only-in srfi/1 split-at take drop))

(take '(a b c d e)  2) ; => (a b)
(drop '(a b c d e)  2) ; => (c d e)
(split-at '(a b c d e)  2) ; => expecting
                           ;(values (take '(a b c d e)  2) (drop '(a b
c d e)  2)

>(a b)
>(c d e)
>(a b)
>(c d e)

This does not:


(import (rnrs base)
        (only (srfi :1) split-at take drop))

(take '(a b c d e)  2) ; => (a b)
(drop '(a b c d e)  2) ; => (c d e)
(split-at '(a b c d e)  2) ; => expecting
                           ;(values (take '(a b c d e)  2) (drop '(a b
c d e)  2)

>take: index 2 too large for list (not a proper list): {a b c d e}2
>drop: index 2 too large for list (not a proper list): {a b c d e}2
>take: index 2 too large for list (not a proper list): {a b c d e}2

What am I doing wrong?

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