[plt-dev] searching for bitmap% via f1 on mac os x
On Feb 28, Robby Findler wrote:
> When I searched for bitmap% by putting my mouse on the word and
> hitting f1 in drscheme, I got this:
> browser-run: process execute failed: (#<path:/usr/bin/osascript> "-e"
> "open location \"file:///Users/robby/Library/PLT%20Scheme/\"")
> My shell reports
> Unmatched ".
> when I just try those arguments. When I try this commandline it
> works great:
> osascript -e 'open location
> "file:///Users/robby/Library/PLT%20Scheme/"'
Weird. After trying some things, I think that:
* The `unmatched' error that you get when you run it in your shell is
probably because you're using tcsh (which is, IIRC, the default on
OSX). You probably get the same result for
echo "foo \"bar\" foo"
[And BTW, tcsh is a terrible choice for a shell, as I was reminded
by googling for "tcsh quotes" which got me quickly to
http://www.grymoire.com/Unix/CshTop10.txt -- with enough hair that
should make you scream in horror.]
[I usually recommend zsh these days, but even bash is better if you
want to use your shell in any way that is an epsilon above complete
naive things.]
* The second one worked fine, because happens to mean what you think
it does in tcsh. (As well as in other shells.)
* If the above is correct, then the "process execute failed" is due to
some other problem (it doesn't use a shell on OSX). (And I don't
have a clue what it might be.) Probably similar to the problem that
Matthias had a while ago.
* And BTW, if you grep that thread, you'll see that we went through
the same story...
((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x))) Eli Barzilay:
http://www.barzilay.org/ Maze is Life!