[plt-dev] help with embedding the DrScheme's C API in windows
Im trying to compile and run an example from DrScheme manual (Inside PLT
Scheme), the attached file.
However when I compile it with Visual Studio and try to evaluate an scheme
expression then I get the following fault code.
>mzcscheme_b.exe (+ 3 3)
#f::0: read: expected a `)' to close `('
Seg fault (internal error) at -33333330
Does anyone know why this happens.
On the other hand if I exclude the base.c and send the expression as a file
then the mzc can evaluate the scheme expression and respond to it
via the command v = scheme_load(argv[i]).
Ive created the base.c file via the command prompt C:\APPL\PLT\mzc.exe --vv
--3m --c-mods base.c ++lib scheme/base
Both with the 3m flag and without but with the same result.
My guess is that the file base.c is not generated correctly, but does anyone
knows howelse I can generate it?
Best Regards and thanks in advance
Mohsen Torabzadeh-Tari
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping
Phone +46 13 28 28 69
Fax +46 13 28 58 99
Mobile +46 73 656 93 10
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