[plt-dev] EMERGENCY: drscheme no longer works in today's svn head

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Aug 27 17:37:55 EDT 2009

I think that the error is coming from the error-display-handler.
Generally speaking, that code is called in strange places, so needs to
not raise errors.


On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 4:33 PM, Ryan Culpepper<ryanc at ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2009, at 4:56 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>> Switching to Module in drscheme immediately produces this error message
>>> Welcome to DrScheme, version [3m].
>>> Language: Module; memory limit: 256 megabytes.
>>> Module Language: invalid module text
>>> send: no such method: locate-frame for class: %
>> and it disables all buttons except for STOP. Clicking stop doesn't help
>> the least.
> I get the same error. Some more notes:
> By a combination of kills and breaks (a final break seems necessary...?) I
> was able to kill the evaluation. When I switched the language to Pretty Big,
> I got a "read found code compiled for, wanted" (paraphrased
> because it is no longer in front of me). I have no idea what code in
> particular it's taking about.
> My conjecture is that Robby's commit (r15795) is responsible for the error
> message that actually gets shown ('locate-frame' occurs nowhere else in the
> collects, as far as I can tell), but there seems to be an underlying
> problem. That is, there's an error reporting the real error.
> I had run a full setup-plt immediately before starting DrScheme, so
> somewhere code is not getting recompiled. I'm currently in the middle of a
> "setup-plt -c; setup-plt" cycle.
> Ryan
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