[plt-dev] help
Where do we stand with context-sensitive search in drscheme?
I am in Beginner, I type 'image', and I get results on the first page
that have almost nothing to do with the htdp/image library except for
alpha-color-list->image, a concept that I am unlikely to even use in
a typical 211.
Another example concerns Module, and I am looking for 'keyword'. The
first few entries don't look like what I want. So "Declaring Keyword
Arguments" and "Keyword Arguments" look like the right thing. I open
both and I start reading two strangely related but not quite the same
doc pieces. What's going on? I can't see the margin note at the top
of the page that mzlib/kw isn't compatible with the new stuff.
I am recounting these stories from my perspective but they didn't
happen to me.
We need to improve this search somehow. -- Matthias
P.S. I am so used to the kind of results I get and what I have to
look for that I didn't even see the problem until someone else rubbed
my nose in it.