[racket] Breaks always go to main thread?

From: Robby Findler (robby at eecs.northwestern.edu)
Date: Thu Mar 19 16:06:39 EDT 2015

That sounds very cool! If you can maybe keep some amount of model/view
abstraction going maybe we could get that into drr?


On Thursday, March 19, 2015, Greg Hendershott <greghendershott at gmail.com>

> Thank you, Robby.
> > Another approach that you might want to try is to catch the "c:c;c:c"
> > at the emacs level and instead of turning that into SIGINT (or
> > whatever signal it is) send an explicit message across to the "(sync
> > never-evt)" code that tells it to break the user's program's thread.
> > This is closer to what DrRacket does and it has the advantage that you
> > can still use the raw breaks to debug racket mode, should the need
> > arise (I find this very useful when debugging drracket -- but no one
> > expects a control-c to drracket to turn into breaking the program
> > running inside drr!)
> That's a good idea, too. Thanks!
> Speaking of breaks and deubgging: I have a `debugger` branch (pushed to
> GitHub, but not ready to be merged to master) with an experimental
> debugger. It uses the annotations from gui-debugger, which was a huge
> head start.
> Instead of a separate watch window, it draws top-level and local binding
> values directly in the source code buffer (somewhat like Light Table?).
> On my first pass, I was thinking of debugging as a Special Mode you're
> in, during which you break and resume etc., and then you exit. That
> worked OK, but it was too modal and "too special".
> So on my second (current) pass, you're in a special mode only while
> you're at a breakpoint. And it's less special in the bad sense: Now
> there's a full REPL available, extended with some debugging commands for
> Emacs commands to use (or you could type them directly as a human). A
> couple of the comamnds like ,(go) or ,(step) exit the special REPL and
> resume execution; others don't.
> And it's a normal REPL to eval code, not just for commands. In addition
> to entering the module namespace, for read/write access to top-level
> bindings, the prompt-read handler wraps your input in a let-syntax
> mapping all local bound identifiers to set!-transformers. So you can
> play with them interactively at the REPL. e.g.
>     DEBUG:foot.rkt> (set! some-local (add1 some-local))
> And so on, and eventually resume with those values in effect.
> Currently you can break only via breakpoints (although there are various
> flavors of these, including skip-N breakpoints, run-to-cursor, and so
> on). I also want to support breaking as a result of:
> 1. A statement you could put in your source (like `debug` in Elisp, or
>    `pry`, or whatever).
> 2. exn:break, although I'm not yet sure how that will work.
> It's been fun to work on so far, although I'm scared I don't know what I
> don't know, and there are probably huge gaping holes.
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