[racket] DrRacket init file on WIndows 8

From: Gustavo Massaccesi (gustavo at oma.org.ar)
Date: Sun Mar 8 16:34:11 EDT 2015

The file racketrc.rktl is loaded only in Racket.exe, not it
GRacket.exe or DrRacket.exe.

I think that the easier way to do something similar is

1) Save a file "mylibrary.rkt" with the code you want.
2) Open DrRacket
3) Type in the definition window
#lang racket
(require "mylibrary.rkt")
4) Save this to the same folder of "mylibrary.rkt"
5) Press the Run Button
6) You can use now the interaction window

I actually prefer to program only in the definition windows, and use
the interaction windows for debugging.

It's also possible to define your own language, for example
super-racket that is racket with even more libraries included, and
then you only have to type
#lang super-racket
This is not difficult but it require many steps to create all the
folders and files to configure the new language.


On Sun, Mar 8, 2015 at 7:24 AM, Jongwon Choi <oz.jongwon.choi at gmail.com> wrote:
> Finally it is time to teach programming to my kid!
> I've installed DrRacket 6.1.1 [3m] on Windows 8, added atom? function and
> saved it as racketrc.rktl
> But DrRacket does not load it at startup. I confirmed like below:
>> (find-system-path 'init-file)
> #<path:C:\Users\Jongwon\racketrc.rktl>
>> (define in (open-input-file "C:\\Users\\Jongwon\\racketrc.rktl"))
>> in
> #<input-port:C:\Users\Jongwon\racketrc.rktl>
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> - Jongwon
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