[racket] Typed Racket frustration

From: Greg Hendershott (greghendershott at gmail.com)
Date: Sat Jan 24 16:19:49 EST 2015

> All that said, I keep using Typed Racket because the static typechecking is
> invaluable to me. I use DrRacket rather than Emacs w/racket-mode, and I can
> understand why people wouldn’t, but along with the type tooltips and
> background expansion’s always-on program validation, it’s just a lot harder
> to make mistakes. The typechecker catches a lot of errors before you even
> run the program.

I really like Typed Racket! I'm using it more often, especially for
newer projects.

DrRacket has many, many advantages over racket-mode. I did want to
point out that:

1. C-c C-. will "describe" the thing at point. This includes showing
its type or contract, if any. (Admittedly this isn't an auto-displayed
tool-tip. I could add an option to auto-display in the message line.)

2. FlyCheck (available on MELPA, motto = "the modern replacement for
FlyMake") comes out-of-box with Racket support. Although I don't use
it often, when I've tried it's been responsive and co-existed well
with racket-mode.

Generally I've tried to make sure racket-mode works well with Typed
Racket, including things like properly indenting `for` forms that have
type annotations, and the older `:` suffix names. Of course if there
are any issues, feel free to hit
https://github.com/greghendershott/racket-mode/issues. And again,
DrRacket is definitely likely to have the deepest support.

Posted on the users mailing list.