[racket] Very simple animation in #racket/gui

From: Alexandr M (rus314 at gmail.com)
Date: Fri Jan 23 11:48:31 EST 2015

Hello dear community members,

I am trying to build a GUI with a very simple animation - just a moving dot
(or vertical line) from the left side of the canvas object to it's right

There is a section called "1.7 Animation in Canvases" in the racket


But it's very short and without examples.

Could you please point me out where to search or maybe give me actual
example how to implement this using racket/gui ? I know there are
matlab-like plotting libs but I am going to build GUI with a lot of buttons
and parameters, I don't need just a plot, that's why I am asking about
implementation in #racket/gui environment.

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,
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