[racket] Racket Logo quilt design now available for free on request

From: Daniel Prager (daniel.a.prager at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jan 19 02:09:01 EST 2015

Hello Racketeers

As a gesture of thanks to the Racket community, I'm making freely available
a www.youpatch.com design of the Racket logo.

You'll still need to buy the materials and get it stitched up by a friendly
quilter, but once you're done you can snuggle up in your very own lambda

Here's the background on the improvements that I made to YouPatch to get
this design up to an acceptable and make-able standard:


You can also see how other programming logos turn out when given the same
treatment (Haskell, Clojure, Pyret and Elm).

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