[racket] ok what's wrong there 'syntax-rule' evaluating its operand (??)

From: Thomas Lynch (thomas.lynch at reasoningtechnology.com)
Date: Thu Jan 15 02:04:59 EST 2015

oops sorry Daniel, I already put it over on the developers list.

The question is about the context and place of evaluation for
'table-author' and when it caused an error.  Tha question never got
addressed here.  However we did have a lot of "user" type answers..  seems
it belongs on the developers list.

I'll post back on the list here if I get a simple answer over there ..

On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 2:14 PM, Daniel Prager <daniel.a.prager at gmail.com>

> Hi Thomas
> Can we please keep the discussion going here on the racket users list, for
> those -- like me -- who are following along and finding the discussion
> illuminating?
> Thanks
> Dan
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