[racket] Writing checkers for handin-server

From: Suzanne Menzel (menzel at indiana.edu)
Date: Wed Jan 7 21:45:20 EST 2015

Thank you, Matthew. You’ve been very helpful.

Do you use the embedded web server? If so, could you explain how to activate the Solution link for an assignment? In particular, I tried putting a solution-a1.rkt file in the a1 directory for assignment a1, as described in http://pkg-build.racket-lang.org/doc/handin-server/server-setup.html:

"<[in]active-assignment>/solution*": the solution to the assignment, made available by the status server to any user who logs in. The solution can be either a file or a directory with a name that begins with "solution".

Sadly, this didn’t seem to have any effect on the status web server. I still see dashes in the table cell corresponding to the Solution for a1.


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