[racket] Text snip bleaches canvas space that does not belong to it

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Thu Sep 18 08:18:15 EDT 2014

The drawing model for editors is that an editor is allowed to draw
directly to the canvas, without going through `on-paint`, and typically
updating only a part of the canvas.

To draw a background behind the editor content, the intent is that you
use `on-paint` at the editor level (i.e., in `pasteboard%`). It's
called both before and after the editor content is drawn.

At Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:17:07 +0400, Dmitry Pavlov wrote:
> Hello,
> I need a text snip on a canvas that paints itself strictly in some defined WxH 
> bounds.
> I need no interactive moving or resizing, only interactive editing.
> Here is a code I have come up with, which also displays a window with the snip 
> and a grid.
> The grid facilitates the visual check of the text snip bounds.
> (require racket/gui
>           racket/draw)
> (define my-pasteboard%
>    (class pasteboard%
>      (super-new)
>      (define/augment (can-select? snip on?)
>        #f)
>      (define/augment (can-interactive-move? snip)
>        #f)
>      (define/augment (can-interactive-resize? snip)
>        #f)))
> (define frame (new frame% (label "Test")))
> (define pasteboard (new my-pasteboard%))
> (define my-canvas%
>    (class editor-canvas%
>      (super-new)
>      (define/override (on-paint)
>        (super on-paint)
>        (define dc (send this get-dc))
>        ;; Draw a 10x10 grid with cell size 20x20 pixels
>        (for ((x (in-range 10))) (send dc draw-line (* x 20) 0 (* x 20) 200))
>        (for ((y (in-range 10))) (send dc draw-line 0 (* y 20)  200 (* y 20)))
>        )))
> (define editor-canvas
>    (new my-canvas%
>         (editor pasteboard)
>         (vertical-inset 0) (horizontal-inset 0)
>         (parent frame)
>         (style '(no-border no-hscroll no-vscroll))))
> (send frame resize 200 200)
> (send frame show #t)
> (define text-obj (new text%))
> (send text-obj insert "Hello" 0)
> (define text-snip (new editor-snip%
>                       (editor text-obj)
>                       (left-margin 0) (right-margin 0) (top-margin 0) 
> (bottom-margin 0)
>                       (left-inset 0) (right-inset 0) (top-inset 0) 
> (bottom-inset 0)
>                       (with-border? #f)
>                       (min-width 40)
>                       (max-width 40)
>                       (min-height 20)
>                       (max-height 20)))
> (send pasteboard insert text-snip 40 60)
> (send pasteboard set-caret-owner text-snip)
> When I click on the snip in the window and try to add a "!" character after
> the "Hello" text, I get this:
> http://imgur.com/cikwlqh
> It is obvious that the text snip (or something associated with it)
> expanded its supposed area of rendering by 3-4 pixels in all directions.
> And if I do silly things, like pressing "Enter", things get even worse.
> Can that be avoided somehow?
> Best regards,
> Dmitry
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