[racket] Macro in typed racket

From: Hendrik Boom (hendrik at topoi.pooq.com)
Date: Tue Oct 7 21:16:39 EDT 2014

On Tue, Oct 07, 2014 at 11:38:43AM -0700, Jack Firth wrote:
> I read a tweet about someone wistfully wishing there was some sort of "the"
> operator in a typed non-parensy language such that one could write
> something like this:
>     Customer someFunc(the customer) { ... }
> and have it mean:
>     Customer someFunc(Customer customer) { ... }

I once saw such a language in which they both used 'the customer' and 
'a customer'.  'a customer' was used then they were declaring the 
variable (such as binding ig in a function parameter) and 'the 
customer' was used when they were using the variable.  Ant they also 
had similar notation if you needed two of them: 'another customer' and 
'the other customer'.

-- hendrik

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