[racket] New Package for Racket: cellular automata

From: Asumu Takikawa (asumu at ccs.neu.edu)
Date: Fri May 9 01:23:08 EDT 2014

On 2014-05-09 00:34:26 -0400, Deren Dohoda wrote:
>    Unfortunately I must admit I was sorely lost in figuring out the info.rkt
>    file that would describe this package in some kind of meaningful way. I'd
>    like to put this up on the package list for others to play with but what
>    should I be sure I have in my info.rkt file before I do so?

You can get by with a pretty minimal info.rkt file. Much of the
user-facing package information (like package description) is specified
via the package list website. You may wish to specify the dependencies
(`deps` and `build-deps` bindings) for your package though.

You can find the metadata that the package system looks for here:


Posted on the users mailing list.