[racket] Efficient way of providing all but functions that deal with numbers?

From: Daniel Brady (dabrady at umail.iu.edu)
Date: Mon Jun 9 16:58:57 EDT 2014

In a previous thread, some of you helped me develop a few macros that
disallowed number literals in my module language. Now I want to take the
next step.

Since I am disallowing numbers, I would not like to carry around all the
built-in functions that work with them. My naive approach was to create a
long list of all the built-in number functions like number?, <, and the
mathematical operators, and simply not provide them. But before I did all
that tediousness, I wanted to ask if anyone knows of a better way? For
instance, is there a particular package or series of packages that
contain(s) all those number methods that I can exclude from my provisions,
so that I get the effect that I want (which is to have zero support for

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