[racket] Splicing Syntax Class Error?

From: Kevin Forchione (lysseus at gmail.com)
Date: Mon Jun 9 15:48:35 EDT 2014

Hi guys,
In Syntax: Meta-Programming Helpers 1.2.2 Optional Keyword Arguments, the splicing syntax class example is returning an error for the keyword case:

#lang racket

(require (for-syntax syntax/parse))

(define-syntax (mycond stx)
    (define-splicing-syntax-class maybe-fallthrough-option
      (pattern (~seq #:error-on-fallthough who:expr)
               #:with error? #'#t)
      (pattern (~seq)
               #:with error? #'#f
               #:with who #'#f))
    (syntax-parse stx
      [(mycond fo:maybe-fallthrough-option clause ...)
       #'(mycond* fo.error? fo.who clause ...)]))

(define-syntax mycond*
    (syntax-rules ()
      [(mycond error? who [question answer] . clauses)
       (if question answer (mycond* error? who . clauses))]
      [(mycond #t who)
       (error who "no clauses matched")]
      [(mycond #f _)

>(mycond [(even? 13) 'blue]
          [(odd? 4) 'red])

>(mycond #:error-on-fallthrough 'myfun
          [(even? 13) 'blue]
          [(odd? 4) 'red])

mycond*: bad syntax in: (mycond* #f #f #:error-on-fallthrough (quote myfun) ((even? 13) (quote blue)) ((odd? 4) (quote red)))

Am I missing something?  Thanks!


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