[racket] adding an s-exp-format to plai-typed?

From: Matthew Flatt (mflatt at cs.utah.edu)
Date: Sun Jan 26 08:41:39 EST 2014

There's a `to-string` function already. If that isn't what you want,
then yes: submit a pull request.

At Sat, 25 Jan 2014 18:22:53 -0800, John Clements wrote:
> I want some way to transform an arbitrary s-expression to a string, for use in 
> error messages in plai-typed.  This is easy to add (I think I've done it 
> locally), but I thought I'd ask before submitting a pull request. Does this 
> seem like a reasonable feature and/or name? Am I missing an obvious way to do 
> this?
> John
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