[racket] make-sized-byte-string and GC

From: Roman Klochkov (kalimehtar at mail.ru)
Date: Sat Jan 25 13:28:51 EST 2014

 Is making bytestring from pointer adds the pointer to GC?

> (define x (malloc 'raw 10))
> x
> (define b (make-sized-byte-string x 10))
> (cpointer-gcable? b)
> (cpointer-gcable? x)
> (cast x _pointer _int32)
> (cast b _pointer _int32)

So b and x points to the same block of 10 bytes, but value of b is GCable and value of x is not. 
I assume, that when b will be changed, then the bytestring will be collected and accessing x will give segfault. Am I right?
Roman Klochkov
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