[racket] Help with sockets.

From: Alejandro Zamora Fonseca (terefv at ltu.sld.cu)
Date: Wed Apr 23 16:00:18 EDT 2014

When I do:

1)Write this code: in Dr. Racket:

#lang racket
(define server (tcp-listen 12345))
(define-values (s-in s-out) (tcp-accept server))

- DrRacket waits(lock the REPL) for connections

3)Write this code in python:
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(('localhost', 12345))
- DrRacket unlock the REPL
4)s.send("hello") #in Python
5)(read-line s-in) ;in Racket
- Racket doesn't read "hello", it locks the REPL.

Help me please...

best regards,


El 2014-04-22 22:34, Danny Yoo escribió:
> This should just work.
> Can you show what code you're doing?
> For example, given the following echo-server written in Racket,
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> #lang racket
> (define listener (tcp-listen 12345))
> (let echo-server ()
>   (define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
>   (thread (λ () (copy-port in out) (close-output-port out)))
>   (echo-server))
> ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
> then the following interaction in Python shows that this is doing 
> something:
> ###########################################
>>>> import socket
>>>> s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
>>>> s.connect(('localhost', 12345))
>>>> s.send("hello")
> 5
>>>> s.recv(500)
> 'hello'
> ###########################################


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